Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I think i have “BRS” 

It is a severe disease and quite frankly i am worried about it. It effects me at least 4 to 10 times a day and in reality it should only be a once every other day symptom.

Friends. I have Blog Reading Syndrome.

Yes i know this quickly spreading disease has probably hit most of everyone reading this blog. I think to myself sometimes. Why am i clicking on someones blog i already clicked on like 3 times earlier today. Checking for an update multiple times a day is a cause of worry hahah.

Obviously i think it is strange that i keep up with peoples lives by “blog updates” but seriously i just like to know what is GOING ON! HAHAH


Any ways!

I am doing a group project on the movie Mean Girls

It is quite funny and my group rocks. We are all wearing polos today and are going to pop the collar

We are actually encouraging the pop’d collar today! hahah


I am in a strange mooooood today. Tired but awake. i dont understand it!