Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween --- Morgue style


This year we changed up our typical haunted house in Edgewater to a Morgue/ graveyard theme-

As normal the guys got out early in the day to set up the trail that all the kids go through. Below are a few pictures of the backyard trail:





We had the kids sign in this year so that we would know how many kids went through. Due to the football game we had a lot less kids than we normally do, but we had about 150 come through which is still an awesome turn out!

My character this year was Secretary of the Morgue: Gertrude:



Jan Sears said...

You are so creepily stunning!

~Michelle~ said...

haha ... you look creepy/cute. I am glad you guys had fun. I wish we could have come, stupid tooth!

sara hanks giessen said...

ahh! i agree with your mom. so dead... so pretty.