Thursday, March 5, 2009

Winter Storm 09'



Last Thursday my class met outside in the courtyard. The sun was shinning and the weather was absolutly perfect. I even said " this is my favorite weather"

Then the tempature started to get a little colder, but when the rain was pouring for 2 days and there was snow in the future i just could not imagine the fact that it would snow Sunday afternoon. I left for church with my flats... and no socks... and no jacket. When I came out of church there was snow accumulating and there was a snow ball fight in store.

The hours kept on moving by and the snow kept on coming and before i knew it the roads were covered and the temps kept dropping.

Athens lost power due to them being hit with over 6 inches of show-


Here is our place!

I had to get to CVS to work.. which was closed in the morning due to power outages ---- check out the parking lot.. at 2 in the afternoon on monday:





Surely we all thought that school would be canceled the next day with freezing temps coming in Monday night... unfortunately Michael Adams had many a students very angry with the university's decision to keep the campus open. I had a mid-term at 8am so i made sure i was at campus at 7:30 to catch the bus


SIDE NOTE: Our place was out of power until 1am early Tuesday morning---- that means that our place was 51 DEGREEEEEES when the power finally came on...


ok so i am at school waiting on the buses and the time keeps on ticking by and well it was 8 on the watch by the 45th time i had looked at it... and the FIRST BUS arrived ... my mid-term stated at 8... i arrived at 8:20... there was ice everywhere and trees down. The crews were JUST putting down salt .. which is ridiculous... if i knew how to upload my mobile pictures i would show you how ridiculous the campus was. Classes should of never of started before 12:30--- arg... i was having MAJOR beef with the school that day.. as along with most students at UGA...