Saturday, February 14, 2009

Murder of a Millionaire


My roomates Katuschka and Catherine Rock.

They came up with the idea to have a Murder Mystery Date night. We tried for a few weeks but the date that would work just happened to be Friday the 13th. FREAKY.

So the theme was a cocktail party at the reading of the Will of the Late Rick Rochester. Rick was my uncle, I was Faith and Keith was Jon... my BABY DADDY!


Here are the girls of 135

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Jon Jacobs & Faith Rouchester


Below are some other peeps and pics from the night.



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(when katie was killed)

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(john lennon anyone?)


ohhh fabio hahahaha-- props to ryan for best dressed

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Let's just say that i knew NOTHING but told everyone LIES and got the most money... and come to find out.. i told everyone the truth even though i thought i was just making it up hahahah


check out more pictures here:


Tiffany said...

dude keith's hair looks awesome like that. so does yours. you guys look totally hott. yeah, double t.