Monday, December 22, 2008

Obviously Madison and I should stick to break and bake cookies..

when I tried to go cheaper and get the kind you cut yourself... well this is what happened.


cookies 001

cookies 002 

but at least they have sprinkles.

Friday, December 19, 2008

fun stuff


So now that school is over i have to plan everything for the wedding that i haven't even thought about yet. Looking at blogs like makes me feel a bit insecure about how to my a very low budget wedding looks freaking sweet!

Does anyone have a suggestion of their favorite thing they had in their wedding or in a wedding they saw.? I need to have some extra inspiration. Any cost cutting savy tips?



I am going to start my christmas shopping tomorrow.

I know it is less than a week before Christmas, but that is all good. Believe me the stores will still want my business.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



1 semester left until i graduate

5 1/1 months until i am married


i have lots of planning to do!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

That time of year again.

awesome klee and maddump

Finals time!


This year i have 2 finals on Thursday and Two next tuesday. I am really hoping to pull out some grades this semester, but i am having issues staying focused. It is already almost 2 pm on Tuesday and although my prep for my religion final is almost finished, my leadership class is worrying me.

My classes this semester have over all been pretty decent. I really enjoyed my religion and leadership classes. I am going to get to take another religion class next semester on Old  Testament Prophecy so i am pretty stoked about that. 

I guess just be praying for me over the next week. at about this same time next week i will be finished for the fall. I need to be planning for the wedding, working a ton and doing work for my online class all over the break, so i wouldn't call it much of a "Break"

I am trying to think of news... something funny... something to keep this post reading-worthy, but my life is quite boring at the moment.



i love keith & i's engagement pictures. and i love messing around with them on photoscape and gimp ( photoshop for the poor)

Keith and Kaylee- wall

Thursday, December 4, 2008

brother.Picture 004