Wednesday, November 26, 2008

School work.


Although i work for CVS and my brain only works when it comes to CVS, for my HR management class i was given the assignment to pick a company in crisis and do three different projects for that company. So i quickly decided to pick Rite Aid as my company to focus on for my project. My first paper was an action plan, the second was a plan for motivating the company and the third is a “best practices”

I dont even really know what a best practices is but you can look it up on Wikipedia if you want to!

My thought for a new idea was to change the logo and sales ad. Now by no means am i good at logos at all but here are a few that i  came up with. Sara please have mercy on my horrible art soul.

rite aid logo 2 PHARMACY

Rite Aid new logo with pharmacy

rite aid logo 3 WITH PAHRMACY

This bottom one is pretty intense, but i was just messing around with the circle idea. I definately think i like the 1st one the best. What are your thoughts…  which one should i use for my project?

I am about to start working on the sales ad now, man i go in to way too much detail for projects hahah

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I think i have “BRS” 

It is a severe disease and quite frankly i am worried about it. It effects me at least 4 to 10 times a day and in reality it should only be a once every other day symptom.

Friends. I have Blog Reading Syndrome.

Yes i know this quickly spreading disease has probably hit most of everyone reading this blog. I think to myself sometimes. Why am i clicking on someones blog i already clicked on like 3 times earlier today. Checking for an update multiple times a day is a cause of worry hahah.

Obviously i think it is strange that i keep up with peoples lives by “blog updates” but seriously i just like to know what is GOING ON! HAHAH


Any ways!

I am doing a group project on the movie Mean Girls

It is quite funny and my group rocks. We are all wearing polos today and are going to pop the collar

We are actually encouraging the pop’d collar today! hahah


I am in a strange mooooood today. Tired but awake. i dont understand it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The past few months at Passion, my church we’ve been talking about grace and peace. Going through Galatians and 1st peter.

Lately I have been feeling life getting more and more hectic and things annoy me more and more lately. Normally I pride myself in being a very -go with the flow- nothing gets to me- kind of person. But over the past 2 semesters of life the little things are getting to me. CONSTANTLY.

Maybe it is things in my personality that are changing or realizing that some people are not who I always thought they would be.

I have decided that giving advice is pretty pointless over the past 11 months of the year. It is one of those things taking me back to 10th grade when I thought that I could CHANGE people.

I learned that lesson the hard way. I try to put myself in peoples places and think that I know if someone  was telling me something that I didn’t want to hear I would just blow it off too.

Keith is funny he always asks for my advice on things example:

---which shirt he should wear--- and then says “ i ask you just so i can do the opposite”  I know he is joking, but it is still kind of funny.


Maybe instead of giving advice I should just tell people I will pray for them or maybe give them a bible verse. I don't know. It is just a frustrating process of almost feeling like “ did I even just say that”

I guess I am just feeling this lack of peace in my life and I keep going back to a bible verse that I memorized at the beginning of the year:

Ephesians 4 1-6

1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.



Keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.  << I need to continually say this to myself each day. I am not sure why I am currently struggling with this issue of peace in my life. It is obviously a battle because I am not used to this feeling that has come over me this year.

Feel free to be praying for my peace and understanding with others. Sorry for this somber update.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween --- Morgue style


This year we changed up our typical haunted house in Edgewater to a Morgue/ graveyard theme-

As normal the guys got out early in the day to set up the trail that all the kids go through. Below are a few pictures of the backyard trail:





We had the kids sign in this year so that we would know how many kids went through. Due to the football game we had a lot less kids than we normally do, but we had about 150 come through which is still an awesome turn out!

My character this year was Secretary of the Morgue: Gertrude:


Sunday, November 2, 2008

cvs grand opening




Keith and I helped my dad with his new store grand opening in Houschton, ga. Keith killed it on the dj’n and i worked at every single station passing out goodies, making balloon animals, taking pictures and everything else



Cutting of the ribbon